Line up:
19:00 doors
20:00 Traitrs
21:00 VNV Nation
VNV Nation jsou bohužel kvůli hlasové indispozici zpěváka Ronana nuceni přesunout část evropského turné včetně pražské zastávky ve Futurum Music Baru. Koncert původně plánovaný na 21. března 2023 se přesouvá na 11. 5. 2023. Vstupenky zůstávají v platnosti. Pokud by se vám nový termín nehodil, požádejte prosím o refundaci prodejce vstupenek GoOut do 31. 3. 2023.
Děkujeme za pochopení a omlouváme se za případné nepříjemnosti.
Futurum Music Bar & D Smack U Promotion
Vyjádření Ronana Harrise:
Dear All!
I am incredibly sorry to inform you that my voice problems from the show in Bremen have turned out to be laryngitis. After an intensive analysis, the doctors have ordered me to rest my voice for the next week. Unfortunately, this means I cannot do the next 4 concerts Cologne, Berlin, Warsaw & Prague. Performing before the infection has had time to heal risks permanent damage, which neither I nor you would want.
I’m very lucky to be treated be some of the best vocal specialists in Germany, who have treated many well known names. I am in good hands and look forward to resuming the tour in Langen.
We have set everything in motion yesterday and today to be able to inform you as soon as possible and in full.
The 4 dates will now be postponed to May, as will the two dates in Amsterdam & Sint Niklaas. We know that the new dates are not optimal for everyone, but in this situation our hands are tied and short-term free dates in the clubs are rare.
All tickets purchased remain valid. If you can’t be there, you can of course return your tickets.
We will see you on 22.03.23 in Langen and are really looking forward to continuing the tour with you.
Thank you for your endless support, compassion and understanding!