Kapela Holy Fuck se rozhodla zrušit celé své turné, tudíž i koncert 31. 1. 2021 ve Futurum Music Baru je zrušený. O refundaci vstupného prosím požádejte v místě nákupu. Děkujeme za pochopení. Futurum Music Bar & D Smack U Promotion
Zde je vyjádření od kapely:
„This might come as no surprise, but because of the ongoing global pandemic, we must postpone all upcoming shows in the UK, Europe and USA yet again, until it is safe. Dates will be re-re-scheduled as soon as possible. We’re terribly gutted. Playing live is our favourite thing to do, and we hope to get back out on the road as soon as possible.You will be contacted soon regarding how to get a refund. Stay strong fellow bands, and venues, service industry staff, techs, crew, and everybody who makes live music happen.”