

Datum: 26.3.2022
Doors: 20:00
Start: 21:00

Vzhledem ke stále trvající nepříznivé situaci ohledně epidemie covid-19 The Mission přesouvají celé evropské turné na rok 2023 včetně dvou koncertů ve Futuru. Koncert z 26. 3. 2022 se přesouvá na 13. 5. 2023, koncert z 27. 3. 2022 se přesouvá na 14. 5. 2023. Vstupenky zůstávají v platnosti. Pokud by se vám nové termíny nehodily, můžete vstupenky do 17. 2. 2022 vrátit v místě nákupu.

Děkujeme za pochopení a trpělivost.

Futurum Music Bar & D Smack U Promotion

Zde je vyjádření od The Mission:
It is with crushing disappointment that we have to let you know our upcoming Deja Vu European tour has had to be postponed yet again. We’re assuming we don’t need to explain why. Our Deja Vu European tour will now take place in April-May 202. All tickets remain valid for the new dates.

We do apologise for all the postponements and changes and any and all inconveniences caused and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your understanding and co-operation. The boys (well, they’re not really boys anymore except in their own minds) are really excited and can’t wait to get out there and make an unholy racket for you once again. More dates for the summer will be announced shortly and please be advised our previously announced North American tour for September and October with The Chameleons (UK) and Theatre Of Hate is still going ahead.

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